Sunday, May 31, 2009

Week 18: Rails Passion Course

  1. Rails Example Application -Depot Application (Week 18)
  2. (Unzip it in a directory of your choice and read lab document from /rails_depot_app/index.html to proceed) (5/31/09: Downloaded)
  3. Presentation - there is no presentation
  4. Resources
    o Rails code examples site
    + Ruby on Rails Open Source Projects website from
    + Top 29 Ruby on Rails Demos Example Code Samples
    + Dzone Snippets rubyonrails
    o Examples
    + Top 12 Ruby on Rails Tutorials from
    + Rails Petstore email

o Online lab document/ Change Log (This is the same document you will find in the hands-on lab zip file) (66 pages)
o Homework (Yes, We have Homework)

Week 17: Rails Passion Course

  1. Deployment (Week 17) (Topics covered: Deployment)
  2. (Unzip it in a directory of your choice and read lab document from /rails_deploy/index.html to proceed)
  3. Resources: Deploying on GlassFish
    + GlassFish v2 and JRuby powering WorldcChange Comm (April 2008)
    + JRuby-on-Rails standalone and shared WARs in Glassfish screencast by Arun Gupta (Oct. 2007)
    + JRuby on Rails Rewrite of launched (Jan. 2008)
    + Deploying JRuby applications with Java Web start article from (March, 2008)
    + Rails and Java EE integration - Servlet co-bindled and invoked from Rails blog by Arun Gupta (April, 2008)
    + Rails and Java EE integration - Native Rails on GlassFish v3 blog by Arun Gupta (April 2008)
    o Warbler
    + Rails and Java EE integration - Warbler instead of Goldspike blog by Arun Gupta (April, 2008)
    + Wabler, A Little Birdie To Introduce Your Rails App to Java blog by Nick Sieger (Sep. 2007)
    + Warbler documentation from
    o Goldspike
    + Goldspike homesite
    o JDBC
    + JDBC Connection Pooling for Rails on GlassFish blog by lkai Lan (Aug. 2008)
    o Presentations
    + Enterprise Ruby with JRuby on Rails presentation by Naoto Takai
  4. Presentation: PDF: 1 slide per page (OR) OpenOffice file (5 pages) (5/31/09: Read)
  5. Online lab/Change Log document (This is the same document you will find in the hands-on lab zip file) (5/31/09: Did most of it/No Glassfish/Had problems with Glassfish)
  6. 5/31/09: No Homework

Week 16: Rails Passion Course

  1. Ajax (Week 16) (Topics covered: Ajax/JavaScript libraries in Rails, PrototypeHelper, ScriptaculousHelper, JavaScriptMacrosHelper, JavaScript related utility methods, Ruby JavaScript template)
  2. (Unzip it in a directory of your choice and read lab document from /rails_ajax/index.html to proceed) (5/31/09: Downloaded)
  3. Resources
    o ActionView::Helpers::PrototypeHelper API from
    o ActionView::Helpers::ScriptaculousHelper API from
    o ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper API from
    o ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptMacrosHelper from
    o Using Ajax With Ruby on Rails tutorial by Brian Leonard and Natalie Jeremy
    o jMaki on Rails blog by Arun Gupta (March, 2008)
  4. Homework ("To Be Provided") (5/31/09: None Yet)
  5. Presentation: PDF: 1 slide per page (OR) OpenOffice file (56 pages) (5/31/09: Scanned)
  6. Online lab/Change Log document (This is the same document you will find in the hands-on lab zip file) (28 pages) (5/31/09: Read/No Homework)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Week 15: Rails Passion Course

  1. Testing & RSpec (Week 15) (Topics to be covered: Overview of Rails testing, Unit testing, Functional testing, Integration testing)
  2. (Unzip it in a directory of your choice and read lab document from /rails_testing/index.html to proceed) (5/25/09: Downloaded)
  3. Resources
    o Tutorials
    + About "A Guide to Testing the Rails" article from
    + Developing a Rails model using BDD + RSpec tutorial by Luke Redpath (8/06)
    o NetBeans tutorials
    + Ruby Testing NetBeans tutorial from
    + Screencast: RSpec and NetBeans by Nick Sieger (Feb. 2008)
    + Test-Driven Rails Development tutorial by Brian Leonard and Neth Stearns from (Dec. 2007)
    + Graphic guide to Rails on NetBeans: RSpec and Autotest from scratch tutorial (Nov. 2007)
    o References
    + Assert methods from
  4. Presentation: PDF: 1 slide per page OR OpenOffice file (28 pages) (5/25/09: Read)
o Online lab document/Change Log (This is the same document you will find in the hands-on lab zip file)
o Homework (5/31/09: Finally finished it)

Week 14: Rails Passion Course

  1. REST Support (Week 14) (Topics to be covered: What is REST?, REST support in Rails, Format of the response via response_to)
  2. (Unzip it in a directory of your choice and read lab document from /rails_rest/index.html to proceed) (5/25/09: Downloaded)
  3. Resources
    o Tutorials
    + Designing RESTful Rails Applications screencast by Obie Fernandez from (July, 2008)
    + Web Services, Rails-style blog by Jamis
    + Rails 1.2: REST admiration, HTTP lovefest, and UTF-8 celebrations article (Jan. 2007)
    + Rapid RESTful Rails Apps article by Myles Eftos (Feb. 2008)
    + Introduction to AWS (Amazon Web Services) for Ruby Developers from
    o API
    + ActionController::Resources from
    o Client
    + Ruby REST client
  4. Online lab document/Change Log (This is the same document you will find in the hands-on lab zip file) (5/25/09: done)
  5. Presentation: PDF: 1 slide per page OR OpenOffice file (24 pages) (5/25/09: Read)
  6. Homework 14 (5/25/09: Done/Emailed to Sun)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Week 13: Rails Passion Course

  1. Action View Helpers (Week 13) (Topics to be covered: Types of ActionView Helpers, FormHelper's, FormTagHelper's)
  2. (Unzip it in a directory of your choice and read lab document from /rails_viewhelpers/index.html to proceed) (5/24/09: Downloaded)
  3. Resources
    o ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper API from
    o ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper API from
  4. Lab and homework/Change Log (1 page) (5/24/09: Read)
  5. Online lab/Change Log document (This is the same document you will find in the hands-on lab zip file) (5/24/09: Read)
  6. Presentation:PDF: 1 slide per page OR OpenOffice file (23 pages) (5/24/09: Read)
  7. Pre-class reading material (Action view helper tutorial) (11 pages) (5/24/09: Read)
  8. Monday: Starting HW13.
  9. Started up Netbeans, build databases, and migrated the database.
  10. Added "Gender" field to Student table.
  11. Homework 13 (5/25/09: Emailed)

Week 12: Rails Passion Course

  1. Action View Basics (Week 12) (Topics to be covered: Types of templates, ERb template, Builder template, JavaScriptGenerator template, Using sub-templates, Layouts, Partials)
  2. (Unzip it in a directory of your choice and read lab document from /rails_actionview/index.html to proceed) (5/24/09: Downloaded)
  3. Resources
    o ActionView::Base API from
    o ActionView::Partials API from
  4. Pre-class reading material (Action view tutorial) (5/24/09: Scanned it)
  5. Presentation: PDF: 1 slide per page OR OpenOffice file (29 pages) (5/24/09: Read)
  6. Online lab document/Change Log (This is the same document you will find in the hands-on lab zip file) (5/24/09: Done)
  7. Homework (Combine the 2 partials into one file and use it in edit and new .html.erb files) (5/24/09: Created draft)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

May 15, 2009 Steps

  1. cucumber.bat features 2>&1 |tee o_ca
  2. ruby script/plugin install git://
  3. gem install notahat-machinist